A passionate mix of education management consulting, training and coaching

Founded in 2003, Guide and Lead is all about self-leadership. Over the years we have successfully offered visionary and systemic consulting to both educational institutions and corporate businesses. We have trained and coached individuals and teams around the world and worked as holistic change-makers with a clear set of values and vision.

We have founded more than 50 schools and learning communities around the world using the root concepts of Guide and Lead, and have supported the creation and transformation of even more learning communities.

About Our Offer


Beratung für Bildungsmanagement heißt für uns in erster Linie zu analysieren welches die Nöte unserer Klienten sind und dann lösungsorientiert Strategien yu entwickeln, die die Selbstführung aller Beteiligter im jeweiligen Organisationssystem fördert.

We provide professional management consulting services for educational leaders, governing boards, school investors, C-suite teams. We support clients to embed strong values, purpose, agility and self-leadership within their organizations.



Training ist ein Teil der Praxis guter Selbstführung. Erfahren Sie hier welche Angebote wir machen können.

Transformation requires practices. We provide various training courses to self-leaders in a range of areas within schools and companies to support transformation, and help to build self-organizing teams. We focus training on leadership agility, human-centred and collaborative classroom approaches, reflective practice, compassionate communication.

More Training Catalogue


Verstehen wo man steht und sich auf seinen ganz eigenen Weg begeben. Dabei wollen wir sie unterstützen. Finden sie hier alles über das Coaching und die Familienberatung bei Guide and Lead.

Self-leadership requires reflection and feedback, and takes practice. We provide coaching to support and guide your growth.

We also provide coaching training to foster relationships built around a shared commitment to guiding and leading ourselves and others.


We have particular expertise in the transformation to ‘Teal’ or self-organised team structures. For this, we offer packages that are holistically designed and include consulting, training and coaching for the entire team within an emergent support process over three to five years.

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A big root of a tree which shows life rings.

About our root concepts

Self-leadership is our central root concept.

Self- leadership is the root for leading a purposeful life, based on strong values and dedication towards others and the community.

Supporting root concepts are:

More about the root concecpts
a tree wind worn at a lake side about us, about our approach at Guide and Lead

About Our Unique Approach

Over the years, we have built our own approach towards the work we love. In our understanding, all of our work from corporate consulting to individual counseling is based on the very same principles:

Holistic and systemic approach

No individual and no institution stand alone. We are all woven into a web of connections to others, but also to our place, our past, our beliefs, experiences and expectations.

All of our approaches are based on sensitive and responsive understanding of the needs of the particular client. There are no ready-made solutions. Every client has reached a certain point in their self-development and taking “stock” without judging sets the basis for successful future discovery.

Listening and observing

Visionary and purposeful approach

Whether as individuals or communities, we need a clarifying vision. This has to be authentic and lived. Only then can we become our truest and best selves and contribute to the broader purpose for which we work.

Once we have established the right, personalized path with our clients, implementation is then a collaborative process of offering and empowering. Whatever the project is about, our broader mission is always to foster self-leadership in all involved.

Offering and empowering

Learn more about us by reading and connecting via the Self-leadership Blog