Coaching Understood As Social Learning

Applying the motto of Guide and Lead, we believe that any change we want to initiate, be it in our personal lives, in business or family, always starts with ourselves. Using coaching techniques, we will help you better understand where you are now, support you in defining your goals and teach you different approaches for how to successfully reach these goals.

blooming tree, a symbol for coaching and finding own purpose


Self-leadership coaching creates space for you to be yourself

Especially in a time in which the impression is generated time and again that it is more and more about self-promotion (by means of selfies and social media), the actual self-reflection and the conscious “taking of time” to think about goals and purpose of one’s own life plans and design often falls behind. We want to consciously open this space for you with our coaching offer.

Where does Coaching help?

  • Setting A Personal Vision and Mission
  • Career Change
  • Bereavement
  • Relationship Challenges
  • Change Of Lifestyle
  • Identification Of Own Needs
  • Understanding Of Own Narratives
  • Identification and expression of own emotions
  • Self- Organisation
  • Strategies For Dealing With Emotions
  • Making A new Start
  • Anxiety And Stress Release
  • Realisation Of Own Triggers
  • Identification Of Strategies to Reach Own Goals
In Coaching the major goal is to guide you leading yourself by understanding your own needs and find your own strategies and ways to meet them

the most frequently asked questions

How do we start?

We will start with a thorough analysis of where you are right now. Unlike in psychological therapy, we do not start with the past but want to find out what is alive in you right here and now. It is from this point that we can build up your goals for the future and locate the resources and energy you hold that you can use to get where you want to go.

What are the techniques being used?.

Coching as a starting point for personal and organizational transformation, growth and development

At Guide and Lead we acknowledge the fact that everybody is not only different, but also stands at a different position in life. Everyone also has unique needs that, if being met, would make his or her life more wonderful.

After the first session an individual coaching plan will be drawn up, using an array of different techniques that will support you to reach your goals in your very own way.

While many coaches often only offer NLP as a coaching method, we can offer you other techniques like hypnotherapy, art therapy, Nonviolent Communication, Self Affirmation, Systemic Constellation, meditation, and all combinations of these. Understanding your needs will help us determine which is the right path for you to take.

What about culture and religion?

Often we hear that clients are feeling unsure whether coaching would effect their cultural or religious beliefs in a negative way. At Guide and Lead we have worked with many clients from very different countries and cultural and religious contexts. Working in more than 30 countries with very diverse population, we have served Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Christian and atheist clients. For us the most important premise is to meet the needs of whoever comes to us.

We value the importance of culture and religion and are experienced in adapting our techniques in flexible ways to make everybody feel comfortable and respected. Our understanding of coaching is as a completely empathic relationship with who you are, and this includes all of your beliefs – may these be religious or otherwise.

Giving guidance in troubled times

Family Counseling at Guide and Lead is understood as a learning process.

Many families find themselves under pressure in our current times: being constantly available for work demands; struggling to parent children with increasing needs; stresses caused by fast-changing societal pressures and 24/7 social media influences; pressure to “deliver” kids ready for a demanding work force; a happiness society that expects positivity and smiles; lack balance and lack of time and so on. For many this becomes a load that, at some point, is hard to tackle.

We want to keep things simple. There is no need for yet another foreign theory. We believe that all the answers are already contained inside the family. This is why family counseling for us means supporting you to uncover the patterns that make you struggle and to free the energy that you have for the things that really matter to you.

We believe that all we do in life has been learned. By taking a careful look together at what is going on in the family holistically we can decide whether we need to unlearn something (for example, old thinking or communication patterns) or we need to learn a new strategy.

Who is Guide and Lead's family counseling for?

Families in times of bereavement

The hardest times in life are usually times of change. We will support your family in the process after a traumatic loss. What do you need right now? Where do you get it from? We are here to support you from the first difficult steps into a new period of your life.

Families wanting change

Maintaining a family is work. There are always phases of change, often related to developing requirements of a growing family (new children, growing teenagers, first children leaving the nest) or because of circumstances of one family member (extended business trips, job requirements, elderly grandparent in need of care). We can support you finding your way out of struggles and conflicts. Finding again the love and care in your family.

Families with children of special (educational) needs

We believe all children are special and do have different (educational) needs. Some children do require more extensive care than others and so often the whole family can struggle in meeting these needs.

We are experienced in supporting families with children/adults of the Autism Spectrum Disorder (including Asperger), multisensory disabled children and teenagers, high achieving gifted children (including underachievers), children and young people diagnosed with ADHD.

We can support you in organizing your daily chores, understanding and communicating with your child, finding breaks for yourself and your needs, dealing with social pressure and dismay.

We work holistically with the whole family on a long term basis. Getting everyone on board and distributing responsibilities is one first big step in order to meet everybody’s needs.

Our counselling approach is based on years of successful experience with families integrating compassionate communication techniques with parts of systemic family constellation (after taking the first courses with the founder Bert Hellinger). Additionally, we use some aspects of the affirmation work of Louise Hay and ideas from the self-inquiry work of Byron Katie. You can find out more about these approaches in our bridge.

If you are interested to learn more about our approach, please get in touch. If you have more questions or would like to take an appointment please feel free to contact us