A safe space for female self-leaders - ForSis Network Circles

Training for schools and educational institutions, we support your organization with a complete set of trainings and qualifications

We believe that especially female self-leaders need safe spaces and networks. Comparable networks are still strongly dominated by traditional masculine structures.

That is why we wanted to create a framework in which women can exchange their experiences.

That offers a truly supportive safe space in a regular group setting.

  • In a circle of like-minded women

Here you will experience authentic support from 8 other self-leading women in a safe space.

  • Professional coaching

Accompanied by an experienced coach, who moderates the circle meetings and ensures that each participant can take away something for herself.

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Explore what Experience is offered in a ForSis Network Circle


Committing to the chosen priorities is sometimes the hardest part for self-leaders who drive change and act as a catalyst for transformation.

In a regular fixed meeting once a month you will get support from other wonderful women to keep going.


Being a self-leader can sometimes feel quite lonely. In your ForSis circle you will find other women who are also in the process of growing, taking risks and facing challenges. 

In carefully structured 90 minutes you will experience deep empathic listening and understanding, and a safe space in which you can share your questions and challenges and learn from the experiences of other successful women.


Fighting change fatigue or burn-out from people who are catalysts is a serious threat to any transformational work. Learning techniques and receiving professional input on how to address these issues can be the start of a new sense of balance in your endeavour.

The monthly ForSis Circles are facilitated and accompanied by experienced systemic coaches, who also facilitate a deep 1:1 coaching experience for each participant at least once a year.

ForSis a place for female networking: a maple tree with fresh green leaves

Explore our programs

annual membership

Regular ForSis Circle

This annual membership includes 11 structured 90-minute circle meetings moderated by an experienced Guide and Lead Coach, as well as at least one personal 1:1 deep dive coaching session for each participant per year.

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additional 1:1 session

Personal coaching

Add personal 1:1 coaching sessions to your membership whenever you feel it would be good to go deeper into a topic that came up at a Circle meeting. These sessions are led by the same coach of your circle, but are of course confidential.

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10 sessions 1:1

Intensive Package

Adding to your ForSis Circle experience, you can also take up a series of 10 intensive 1h coaching sessions to deepen any topic you feel needs exploration, be it professional or personal. Your coach will support you on your journey.

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How to join the ForSis Network Circles

Three steps to be part of a ForSis circle


You Apply

The link button below takes you to a questionnaire. Here you will be asked a few questions, where we would like to know the backgrounds of the applicants, where they are at the moment and what makes them tick.

We would be very grateful if you would fill out this questionnaire and also take a little time to do so. All information is of course confidential and will be deleted after the application phase. The information is voluntary, but it will help us to arrange and organise the ForSis circles.


We Talk

You will enjoy a free 20-minute exchange with a Guide and Lead Coach.

This is to truly understand what the current needs are in terms of learning, professional and personal development and one’s own understanding of leadership and self-leadership.

And of course here you can also ask any questions you may still have.


You Start

After joining a ForSis Circle, a little paperwork is completed and you’re ready to go!

You start your annual membership with the first meeting of your circle. 

Beforehand, you will receive all the necessary information about dates, rules, the nature of the meetings and the name and background of your coach.

Your coach  will prepare and facilitate all meetings for your circle.

Apply here

We listened To You

And we want to offer something that can really make a difference.

ForSis, ein Netzwerk für Führungsfrauen: Ein Weidenbaum mit einem See und blauem Himmel

You have said that …

  • sometimes you feel really challenged by the fact that your own expectations of yourself to do everything at once are so high
  • sometimes you feel very alone when it comes to moving a transformation forward.
  • it often feels like you have to deal with too many things at once.

You have told us …

  • about your change fatigue because you feel there is always “more” but no real ending.
  • about the challenges of dealing with male locker rooms and how you often find yourself under extra pressure and judgement
  • how wrong it feels to do a lot of the things ” one” is expected to do, just because there is this constant pressure to do things in a certain way.
  • how tough it sometimes is to motivate your own team and how frustrating it feels to constantly have to be the driving force.

We strongly believe that it can make a big difference . . .

… to have a circle of women in a space of trust who are familiar with the situation and with whom you can open up and from whose experiences you inspire yourself and from whom you can learn.

… to have a standing appointment that is also a standing session for self-care.

… being supported by an experienced coach continuously over a prolonged period of time.

Apply for a membership here

Frequently Asked Questions

In each circle, 9 female leaders and one Guide and Lead Coach commit to gathering once a month for a structured circle meeting. The minimum number of participants is 7, as we have found that below this number the experience is simply too limited for sharing and diversity of perspectives.

The members of a circle meet once a month for a structured meeting. Sometimes Circle members also decide to participate in an intensive retreat together or meet in person for a learning or community experience. Annual membership includes 11 Circle meetings per year (we skip one month during the summer/holiday season).

The annual membership includes 11 structured 90-minute meetings moderated by an experienced Guide and Lead Coach. It also includes at least one in-depth opportunity per year for each member of the Circle facilitated by the coach (45 minutes). All meetings are usually held through Zoom or Teams. In cases where members live close to each other, face-to-face meetings are also possible. The package also includes a private introductory meeting before the grouping into a circle.

Our network circles are organized by professional Guide and Lead coaches. For the annual membership at the moment participants pay 990€ annually, 250€ for the each add-on single session and 2300€ for a 10 sessions coaching package.

Our coaches place and group the participants in the circles so that everyone can grow. The intention is to have a heterogeneous group with different approaches to life and business and different personality types in the circles. We also try to accommodate similar time zones.

If for any reason you feel that a change of circle may be necessary for you, please contact your coach. Depending on availability and suitability, she will discuss the possibilities with you.

After you have applied via the link here and filled in the application form, the guide and the ForSis team will review your form. If our coaches feel that ForSis is a place that can help you flourish and feel supported, we will invite you to a short video call. Here, one of our coaches will dive a little deeper with you and reflect on your goals and your journey so far. This coaching experience is free of charge for all applicants at this level.

After this conversation, our coaches will match participants according to their level of experience, transformational goals, areas of work and also time zones. We will do our best to find a place for you immediately, but we may also need to ask you to wait a little while until we have enough participants who we think are a good fit for you. We will then contact you with the date of your circle’s monthly meeting.

What participants say about ForSis

Being the change maker permanently sometimes felt draining. I really was sometimes short before giving up. It seemed like no-one would understand me or there for true support. Being now in a circle of like-minded women leaders helped me to relax on things. I have people to connect, people who do not give up and keep transforming the world. And it is a great feeling of being part of a “together”.

Lydia • Bremen (Germany)

I came to ForSis at exactly the right time. After many changes that I had already achieved, there was this change fatigue and I had the feeling that my strength was simply no longer enough. To now have the opportunity to openly address challenges and then to be able to learn from the experiences of other women in an absolutely authentic space of trust has given me an incredible amount of strength. Thank you, ladies. It is an honour to be with you.

Tolulope • Abuja (Nigeria)

Being a female leader in a male dominated world is sometimes really tough. And you are not ought to show it. But I do not want to fight. I am a team worker, I love to do things together. Here with the ForSis group I found the support I needed. Real hands-on experiences from the others I learnt from so much. And the ongoing tough questions of our coach who is such a stronghold for all of us.

Linde • Bordeaux (France)

I love that this is not a chit-chat session, but 90 minutes with a very clear structure, worth every minute. We all stick to the rules because we all know that time is the most precious gift we have. This is the first time I am completely committed to something like this, because normally I am a lone wolf.

Anita • Norfolk (UK)

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