Find your own way by trying something new

Leadership and self- leadership is all about

  • evaluating your own whereabouts,
  • defining your goals according to your very needs and
  • using new opening opportunities as soon as these arrive.

Seeing such opportunities needs to have an open eye for it and the belief that there are such opportunities.

But if you want to actively do something about it, you need to get out off your comfort zone. Here in Dubai, but I guess, that applies to many other places around as well, summer is a great time to try something new.

Trying something new means to do something that is not related to your work, normal hobbies or daily routine.


It could be something very simple like a certain kind of art technique. Did you ever try string art or pebbles art? These don’t need any special skills but definitely help you growing your patience and resilience. As a side effect you will have nice giveaways that are not out of the box.

If you think you are not the art person, why not try some craftsmanship? Like in the old days, working on things around the house, garden, car or even some totally new technique that requires full concentration like welding, turning or stone dressing. It is really interesting how differently you will look at your environment after taking such course and practice.


How about learning a new language? In the last year I came quite often into a situation where I wished that I would know some more languages. Over the years I noticed that I can much better understand a culture and the way of how people think that come from a different country, when I learned their language, even if it was just on a very rudimentary level. It helped me a lot for my work to connect to others by being able to get easy into rapport with strangers from all over the world. At least a new language opens a chance to reflect on the own language and by that, the means of our daily communication.


What about learning or trying out a new sport? It does not to be figure skating (actually why not?) but there are so many new things coming up and some of them really look like true fun. Here in the desert it seems to become some kind of challenge to create new sports working on the dunes and Wadis. But in this fitness and wellness driven world there are really many new options, almost on a daily base. Ever tried Fatbike riding, Earthing, Hantis or Tugball?

Through these you don’t only challenge your body, but also improve your coordination and motor skills. And you might even meet some people that otherwise you might never have met.

A music instrument

Music speaks to the heart one says. And indeed, it does. Many of us have learned or tried playing music instruments when they were younger. Since then they became so busy with their lives that music became only a medium to fill dull moments in the car or the gym. Why not to restart playing music now? Music has endless benefits for the mind, not only calming down and relaxing. But it also helps us build skills that we need now more than ever before: stamina, empathy, concentration and multi tasking.

Your kids’ interests

A good chance to learn something new and at the same time to create some great family time and bonding with your children, is to actually learn something your children are interested in. Many children have acquired some skills, we as adults never had the chance to. Learning what your children are crazy about offers you a new perspective on other matters, too. It could be a certain game, an app, animation, coding, musicians and books, that will not only connect you with the younger generation, but might also allow you to reflect yourself or your work from their perspective. New ideas are never created under old circumstances.


It goes without saying that traveling is a great way to widen your horizon. But how about trying a new way to travel? Going by container ship, bike packing and volunteering in overseas projects are great ways to travel and still doing something new. Coming in contact with the native people of the place you go to, having to deal with communication issues and unfamiliar (and maybe challenging) circumstances –it all helps yourself and your companions to gain perspective and self growth.


Sure, books are a very common way to get another viewpoint. But how about reading something that is completely new to you? Find an area you know nothing about and start exploring. What do you know about Biotech, Fossils, Deep Sea creatures or Traditional Chinese Medicine for instance?

It is your decision

Whatever you decide will affect you in a very positive way. It will make sure, you are still connected with life and that you nurture what is alive in you. It also allows you to reflect your ideas and goals from different perspectives. You will meet new people. These might give new ideas that could be transformed into new opportunities.

Don’t forget:

We work to live not the other way around. So the energy you put in creating your work life should multiply the energy you have for your life beyond the work place. Trying something new is a great energy fuel.

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