Living authenticity at the workplace

During our many years in systemic coaching in the field of self-leadership, we have been privileged to support individuals on their journey towards living authentically, both in their private and professional lives.

We learned that living authentically is crucial for personal and professional growth, thus gaining self-leadership, and we believe that authenticity is a key factor in building trust, creating meaningful relationships, and inspiring others. 

I would like to invite you on reflecting with me what it means to live authentically at the workplace and how you can start changing some of your practise of actually living it.

What is Authenticity?

Living authentically at the workplace follows the same rules as living authentically in private life.

It means being true to oneself, embracing your strengths and weaknesses, and being honest with others about who you are. Authenticity involves aligning your actions and decisions with your unique personality, values, and beliefs.

Authenticity is not about being perfect or conforming to others’ expectations, but about being genuine and honest in your interactions with others. By living authentically, we can create a beautiful integration and connection between work-life and private life, which can be nurturing for both areas and the self.

coloured bourgainvilla. Living authenticity means being your true self in all aspects of who you are. Bringing this to the workplace allows you to have true meaningful connections with the people, thus building trust and a positive team culture.

The Benefits of Living Authentically at the Workplace

Living authentically at the workplace has numerous benefits.

Firstly, it builds trust and credibility with your colleagues, clients, and superiors. When people perceive you as authentic, they are more likely to trust you and value your opinions. Secondly, it fosters meaningful relationships, as people are drawn to those who are genuine and transparent. Thirdly, it enhances your self-awareness and self-confidence, as you become more comfortable with your true self. Finally, it encourages innovation and creativity, as authenticity enables you to bring your unique perspective to the table.

How to Live Authentically at the Workplace

Living authentically at the workplace requires intention and practice. Here are some tips to help you start:

  1. Identify Your Values

The first step towards living authentically at the workplace is to identify your values. What matters most to you? What motivates and inspires you? Once you have identified your values, you can align your actions and decisions with them.

  1. Be Transparent

Authenticity requires transparency. Be honest and open about your thoughts, feelings, and opinions. Share your successes and failures with your colleagues and be willing to learn from them.

  1. Embrace Your Imperfections

No one is perfect. Embrace your imperfections and weaknesses. Acknowledge them and work on improving them. Don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it.

  1. Listen to Your Intuition

Authenticity involves listening to your intuition and trusting your gut. If something doesn’t feel right, speak up. Don’t be afraid to challenge the status quo and suggest alternative solutions.

  1. Set Boundaries and Say No

Living authentically also means setting boundaries and saying no when necessary. It means being honest with yourself and others about your needs and limitations. By setting boundaries, you are communicating to others what you are willing and not willing to do, which can help prevent burnout and ensure that your work is aligned with your values and priorities.

  1. Practice Self-Care

Living authentically at the workplace can be challenging. It requires vulnerability and courage. Practice self-care to nurture your physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing. Take breaks when you need them, prioritize sleep, exercise regularly, and connect with loved ones.

  1. Be Mindful of Your Communication

Authenticity also involves being mindful of your communication. Be aware of your tone, body language, and the language you use. Avoid passive-aggressive or manipulative behavior, and instead, communicate your needs and expectations clearly and assertively.

  1. Stay True to Yourself

Finally, living authentically at the workplace requires staying true to yourself. It means not compromising your values or beliefs for the sake of others. It means being willing to take risks and pursue your goals, even if it means going against the status quo.


In conclusion living authentically at the workplace is not always easy, but it is essential for personal and professional growth. It requires vulnerability, courage, and intention. By identifying our values, being transparent, embracing our imperfections, setting boundaries, listening to your intuition, and practicing self-care, we can stay true to ourselves and bring our unique perspective to the workplace.

Remember, authenticity is not about being perfect or conforming to others’ expectations, but about being genuine and honest in your interactions with others. When you live authentically, you inspire others to do the same, creating a culture of trust, openness, and creativity.


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