This is where I start my blog. I will talk about self-leadership following the motto: Guiding Others By Leading Yourself. I will look at best practice in schools, at home or corporate life and paint a rounded picture of the benefits of self-leadership, right here in my blog.

During the past years ever so often clients, friends and my very supportive husband asked me if I could not write a book or get up a website where I would publish my ideas of way of life for more people to benefit from.

I will try to do so here at this space and start my blog.

Maybe some information about me for a start?

My name is Ulrike. I am working as a Senior Management and Leadership Consultant in full business attire in the mornings and as a family consultant and coach in linen dress and bare foot in the afternoons. Every then and when both gets mixed up in some interesting project. Beside this I run my own lovely family with two teenage children, who are not so seldom my first to try on new techniques for both my management consultancy as well as the family coaching.

What will it be about?

No when I start my blog I want to talk about one major theme and that is self-leadership. Since I am coming from  education background I will surely focus in there. Guiding others is the main job any educator has to do and in order to this right, you will need to start by yourself. In whichever setting you are, if it as a school at classroom level or administration or leadership, if it is as a parent at home, you will need to not only be a good role model but be able to organize yourself physically and mentally.

Sure enough, some themes will come up automatically, since I am ever confronted with repeating patterns of insufficient self-leadership in very different ways. I will take this as inspiration and talk it through here.

So welcome, to where I start my blog. Feel free to comment below or contact me via mail, in case of any questions or topics you  want me to cover in my blog.

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